Diablo's Wind Blows Over Delta
Holland Ramp, CA Delta-  When an angler wins four  out of five tournaments it becomes obvious that there must be more than a finely honed balance of skill and luck. Although the conclusion is surely shared by all I shall be the one to put this truth to print. Jon Hagan has sold his soul to the devil and is now a man-fish hybrid. I don't know how a good guy like Tyler Linscott got mixed up in the bargain for though the devilish duo managed to bring only four fish to the scales, the 16.58 lbs. was enough to reign over the twelve team field. They told their story about sticking to their game plan throwing the all powerful Basstrix all day while covering lots of water until they were inextricably drawn to their last fish of the day, the tournaments big fish. The 7.91 lb monster just couldn't seem to resist Hagan's bait. Congratulations go out to Tyler and Jon for their win. We'll see how Mr. Hagan and his new business partner manage to continue his amazing winning streak considering he will be fishing a Future Pro event the day of our next Bass Busters tournament.

Coming in second was the team of Joe Heylen and Bon Gotuaco. They picked apart Rock Slough for their five fish. With frogs and wacky rigged Senkos they managed to bring in their 12.6 lb. sack which was anchored by a 4.2 lb kicker. 
Continuing his stellar season John Fernandez and his partner Joe Alvarez took third place with 11.76 lbs. of fish. Glenn Hayashimoto weighed in the second big fish of the day 4.93 lbs. 
Great job everyone! 
June Tournament Rescheduled
The Lake Don Pedro, Moccasin Point Marina, June 13th tournament has been rescheduled to November 15th. It will still be an individual draw tournament. It is going to take place at the delta on the second day of our previously scheduled two day tournament. Details will be discussed at a future meeting.

Special Notice: Next Meeting 
Jim Fritz is most graciously hosting the next meeting on July 2nd at his Los Gatos home. We will meet at his house for a barbecue and will continue the brown bag auction. Usually our meetings are the first Thursday of every month at the IHOP, 5403 Stevens Creek Blvd (map) in Santa Clara. Start time is 7:30pm.

Next Tournament 
July 18th, CA Delta, Ladd's Marina in Stockton. It's a Team pick, split weigh-in tournament. If you can’t make the meeting and plan to fish the next tournament post your intention on the message board or contact an officer who is attending the meeting. The same goes for entry in the big-fish pool. We are launching from Ladd's at the 5mph bouy at safe light. For the latest  tournament details check the message board.

Bass Busters of Santa Clara County 
5/16/09                                                           Established 1969
Newsletter #5.09
The obvious conclusion